So the bump is progressing :) We're officially 18 weeks along (almost half way - how can that possibly be true!!!!????)
The Italian is convinced that I have a rabbit in my belly instead of a baby. I can't eat enough vegetables! We went to Olive Garden with mi familia this weekend and I think I ate two entire bowls of the salad all by myself!!!! And might I say, I had forgotten how much I enjoy the Olive Garden. Don't hate, that place is good!
We have our anatomy scan next week, on Valentine's Day! Saying lots and lots of prayers for a healthy baby!!!! BUT we won't find out the gender until our party at the end of the month! We're so excited! Either way I'll either be the queen of the house in a house full of men or have a little princess/mini-me...we can't go wrong! Just praying that the little Randazzler is healthy, HEALTHY, HEALTHY!!!!
ser·en·dip·i·ty/ˌserənˈdipitē/Noun: The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. During our 3 years of "trying" to start a family I would get notices that someone we know was blessed with a pregnancy, a "happy accident" which by the way is synonymous with my all time favorite word~SERENDIPITY. Now I know that there are no Happy Accidents, rather God's hand is on each and every one of us creating amazing opportunities each and every day.
Decide how you want them to feel first. Then, design your materials to exude that feeling. Eventgestaltung